The Best Heart-Healthy Foods for the Elderly

Because we offer companion services in Indiana, we have studied the best foods that seniors should incorporate into their diets. Since seniors are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses, it is important that they follow these suggestions for better heart health.

Eat foods high in protein. Fish is one of the best foods for good heart health because it is full of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Other high-protein foods include turkey and skinless chicken. These are lean meats that are also low in sodium.

Eat nuts for snacks. They are great for cardiovascular health. One example is walnuts. They are high in omega-3 fats and fiber. Almonds are heart-healthy nuts, too, as they are rich in unsaturated fats and can lower bad cholesterol levels.

Eat plenty of fruits as well. We highly recommend eating berries as they are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Apples and oranges also promote good heart health for seniors as they are rich in polyphenols and potassium, respectively.

We understand that it can be difficult to remember all these and prepare different meals every day as a senior. That is why you should consider hiring home care providers. They can help you with meal preparation and more.

If you are looking for a reliable provider of home care in Fort Wayne, Indiana, then you don’t have to look far. Let 1st Choice Home Health Services LLC help you out!

For quality nursing care in Indiana, feel free to reach out to us. Our friendly representatives will be happy to assist you. Let us exceed your expectations!

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